The Blue Dragon Faction[]
Blue Dragon Classes[]
The Blue Dragon is the protagonist faction and will appear in every single game. It contains the following classes:
4. The Drunk
5. The Hunter
8. The Maid
10.The Noble
11.The Observer
12.The Paladin (Only when Cult is present)
14.The Prince
15.The Princess
16.The Sheriff (Only when the Unseen is present)
Every game starts with The Prince and a King of a random faction.
The Blue Dragon is the good faction and by far the most numerous one at the start of a game. Its members rely on sharp wits and deduction and will root out evil-doers from the court by voting them up during the day, though the faction also possesses some limited night killing power (The Knight, The Hunter, The Prince). A dynamic and active Blue Dragon is the biggest threat imaginable to the Unseen/Cult and Neutral killers.
Lore: Unknown[]
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