In Throne of Lies, there are 49 classes, including converted classes and variety of kings.
Every player will be randomly assigned a class at the start of a match, where they will begin working toward their class' objective. Most of these classes can even be converted by The Mastermind or The Cult Leader to become a version of that class aligned with the Unseen or Cult, with abilities to match both their starting and converted classes.
Certain classes will be present in every game. These classes are considered Guaranteed, and they are:
- King
- Prince
- Evil faction leader: Mastermind (Unseen games) / Cult Leader (Cult games)
- Evil faction subordinate: Assassin (Unseen games) / One of the following at random: Seeker, Ritualist, or Invoker (Cult games)
- A faction hard counter: Sheriff (Unseen games) / Paladin (Cult games)
- A healer, either Physician, Chronomancer or Alchemist. Several healers can appear in game, but at least one is guaranteed.
Certain classes are considered Unique, meaning a maximum of one will appear in any given game. Unique classes are:
- Assassin
- Cult Leader
- Hunter
- King
- Mastermind
- Mercenary
- Mystic
- Poacher
- Possessor
- Prince
- Reaper
- Illusionist
- Scorned
- Inquisitor
- Sellsword
- Sorcerer
If a class is not Unique, there is a possibility to have more than one of this class spawn at once, with a limit of 3 per class if it is Blue Dragon, and 2 per class if It is Neutral.
Classes marked above with a * can be replaced, but only one can exist at a time, Classes marked above with a ^ are only accessible through conversion.
All Classes (Alphabetical)[]
- Alchemist (Neutral)
- Alcoholic (Unseen)
- Apostle (Cult)
- Aristocrat (Unseen)
- Assassin (Unseen)
- Butler (Blue Dragon)
- Chronomancer (Blue Dragon)
- Court Wizard (Blue Dragon)
- Cult Leader (Cult)
- Drunk (Blue Dragon)
- Duchess (Unseen)
- Enforcer (Unseen)
- Fool (Neutral)
- Handmaiden (Unseen)
- Herbalist (Unseen)
- Hunter (Blue Dragon)
- Illusionist (Unseen)
- Inquisitor (Neutral)
- Invoker (Cult)
- King - Cult (Cult)
- King - Unseen (Unseen)
- King - Good (Blue Dragon)
- King - Neutral (Neutral)
- King - Psycho (Neutral)
- Knight (Blue Dragon)
- Maid (Blue Dragon)
- Marshal (Unseen)
- Mastermind (Unseen)
- Mercenary (Neutral)
- Mystic (Blue Dragon)
- Nightwatch (Unseen)
- Noble (Blue Dragon)
- Observer (Blue Dragon)
- Paladin (Blue Dragon)
- Physician (Blue Dragon)
- Poacher (Unseen)
- Possessor (Neutral)
- Prince (Blue Dragon)
- Princess (Blue Dragon)
- Reaper (Neutral)
- Ritualist (Cult)
- Sage (Unseen)
- Scorned (Neutral)
- Seeker (Cult)
- Sellsword (Neutral)
- Servant (Unseen)
- Sheriff (Blue Dragon)
- Sorcerer (Neutral)
- Timesnatcher (Unseen)
Classes by Faction (Alphabetical)[]
Blue Dragon[]
- Butler (Offensive)
- Chronomancer (Support)
- Court Wizard (Support)
- Drunk (Offensive)
- Hunter (Killer)
- King - Good (Random) (Special)
- Knight (Killer)
- Maid (Investigative)
- Mystic (Social)
- Noble (Social)
- Observer (Investigative)
- Paladin (Investigative)
- Physician (Support)
- Prince (Killer)
- Princess (Investigative)
- Sheriff (Investigative)
- Alcoholic (Offensive)
- Aristocrat (Social)
- Assassin (Killer)
- Duchess (Investigative)
- Enforcer (Support)
- Handmaiden (Investigative)
- Herbalist (Social)
- Illusionist (Social)
- King - Unseen (Random) (Special)
- Mastermind (Special)
- Marshal (Investigative)
- Nightwatch (Investigative)
- Poacher (Offensive)
- Sage (Offensive)
- Servant (Offensive)
- Timesnatcher (Support)
- Apostle (Social)
- Cult Leader (Special)
- Invoker (Offensive)
- King - Cult (Random) (Special)
- Ritualist (Support)
- Seeker (Investigative)
- Alchemist (Support)
- Fool (Social)
- Inquisitor (Investigative)
- King - Neutral (Random) (Special)
- King - Psycho (Special, crowned from Killer)
- Mercenary (Support)
- Possessor (Killer)
- Reaper (Killer)
- Scorned (Social)
- Sellsword (Offensive)
- Sorcerer (Killer)