Objective: Finish the game with at least 7 brilders.
Class Summary[]
Converted Class: Immune to Convert
The Mercenary is a Unique Support class. They belong to the Neutral faction with the objective to finish the game with at least 7 brilders.
The Mercenary does not necessarily have to remain alive, just have 7 brilders before they die.
The Mercenary can't be converted, like other Neutral classes.
Note: Other Neutral factions won't necessarily assist you, as their objectives are their own.
Support Abilities[]
Icon |
Ability |
Type |
Uses |
Description |
Brilder Hungry | Passive | ∞ | Immune to occupy and redirect. | |
Protection Services | Passive | ∞ | You start with 2 brilders, and gain more with successful ability uses. Gain 10 gold for each brilder above the objective. | |
Don Armor | Day | Special | Use one brilder to make yourself death immune tonight. Usable Day 1. | |
Stand Guard | Night | ∞ | Occupy everyone targeting your target. You cannot target the same target 2 nights in a row. Gain 1 brilder for each ability prevented.
| |
Shield | Night | ∞ | Perpetually shield target player throughout multiple nights, preventing 1 attack. Upon success, earn +3 brilders. Shield ends on success (or target changes).
- You can not target The King with your abilities.
- You start off with 2 brilders as a Mercenary at the beginning of the game.
- The Mercenary earns brilders each time they prevent abilities from being used on players with Stand Guard, or prevent a death with their Shield.
- Stand Guard prevents other players from visiting the target of your choice. And you will earn brilders for each ability you prevent on your guarded player. However, an Assassin who The Enforcer used Frenzy on can still kill your target.
- You have unlimited uses of Stand Guard, however you cannot protect the same person two nights in a row.
- You will not die if you Stand Guard for the target of The Reaper's Circle of Death.
- If a Mercenary and Sellsword both target a player with Stand Guard and Stonewall, respectively, the Sellsword's Stonewall will take priority - however, players attacking or converting said target will be occupied and you will earn brilders from them.
- You can cancel your active Shield by using it on yourself. This is not recommended, because you are using up a night without giving yourself a chance to earn brilders.
- If an important Blue Dragon player outs themselves, it is a good idea to use Shield on them because they are likely to be attacked, and earn you three brilders.
- You can not use Don Armour after you have won.
- The best move for The Mercenary early game is to Stand Guard on the talkative Blue Dragon and the players sharing information with The King, Prince, or the court.
- Keep track of players who are bleeding, you can gain an easy Brilder by using your Stand Guard ability on them because a Healer class is most likely trying to heal them.
- In the late game The Mercenary really stands out and is a vital part of The Blue Dragon victory if they decide to side with them. The best idea is if you are sure that you have a Good King ask him for assistance, you want to be coordinating with the King on who to guard and when. Remember that you can prevent a late game convert on someone as well by using your Stand Guard ability.
- Conversely, if you notice that the Blue Dragon are winning in the early game, you might want to act more like a Sellsword, and try to get Blue Dragon killed during the day. Because unlike other neutrals such as The Alchemist, you don't want to encourage early victories by either faction. And it is likely they wont delay the game just so you can win!
- Another, more risky strategy, is to claim Sellsword at the end of the day. You can announce that you're using the Sellswords Stonewall ability on a specific number, then proceed to Shield that number. You should only use this strategy as a "last resort" and should also watch out that there's no potential threat alive that could kill you (e.g. a Knight using their Cold Steel ability on you.)
- It is usually a bad idea to Shield the Prince early on. As the prince is likely to have Physicians and Knights on him. In the first few nights of the game it is better to Shield targets that are likely to be attacked such as the Observer or the Butler.
- How ever if all the Physicians,Chronomancers and Knights die. And your Shield still hasn't payed off, it might be a good idea to shield the Prince. As he is the highest profile target without protection.
Lore: Unknown[]
Awaiting scouts to return with further information...
Night Room: Merc's Hideaway Cabin[]
May, 2016