Objective: Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Class Summary[]
Converted Class: Immune to Convert
The Prince is a Guaranteed Unique Royal Killer class that belongs to the Blue Dragon faction with the objective to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do them harm.
This class is an essential class for the Blue Dragon. The Prince does as he pleases, locking up other players at night (Occupying them, bypassing Occupy immunity, but also protecting them from attacks and conversion), with the ability to Privately have a chat with the prisoner, optionally able to use his Execute ability to kill them if he believes they are lying to him.
As a Royal, you can step forward to become the next King upon his death, and expect double votes for votes towards you.
Killer Abilities[]
Icon |
Ability |
Type |
Uses |
Description |
Unstoppable | Passive | ∞ | Immune to occupy and redirect.
| |
Royal Blood | Passive | Special | During elections for a new King, votes for you count twice.
| |
Imprison | Day | ∞ | Choose target player to imprison tonight, occupying those targeting your prisoner. At night, you may interrogate them via chat. Usable day 1.
| |
Execute | Night | 3 | Execute the jailed player. If they are Blue Dragon, lose all charges of Execute. Not usable until Night 3.
- Imprison targets can die and not be executed, but can only happen if the jailed target was reaped the previous night, died due to bleed, died from delayed death, was detonated by a Sorcerer, or was killed by an Assassin + The Enforcer.
- If you find yourself locked in jail with The Prince, he will want to know your claim. He is on your side, Blue Dragon-wise, as the Prince is unconvertable! This is very important to remember and an important way to get information shared within the Blue Dragon. There is no need to be secretive with The Prince (unless you aren't BD). If you are BD, you are required to claim truthfully to the Prince.
- As The Prince, consider asking your prisoner to verify their class by using an ability on somebody the next night. Two nights later you may then jail the proposed target and see if their logs confirm that ability was used on them the previous night. If it doesn't, this is a very reliable indicator that at least one of these players is lying and is therefore evil. Having all of your prisoners do this makes for potentially powerful cross-verification that aids your investigation.
- No deaths the night you Imprison someone might indicate they are an evil killing class, and this indicator becomes more reliable as the number of living players dwindles.
- Your Imprison ability is a good weapon to make players claim their class. Keep an in-game logbook to take notes of who is who. You still win if you are dead, so your logbook will be your best weapon later to help with finding evils, and who is lying.
- Although you are a Royal and may put your name forward to become The King, you are arguably the Blue Dragon's most powerful asset, so always deeply consider before putting your name forward. Usually, it is a bad idea, as you lose the ability to occupy/execute a scum. But it could be a good idea in late game where you know who is scum and want to execute them as Treason. But you have run out of Executes
The original Prince concept, redone to fit style consistency with the other portraits
- If anyone else claims to be The Prince during the game, be sure to Imprison and get their true claim, because Prince is unique it's impossible for there to be a second Prince. How ever it is possible it is a Hunter or Mystic trying to draw the night kill away from you. Or a Sellsword trying to waste one of your Executes
- If there happens to be someone that you suspect and the general court suspects of being The Fool, rather than letting the court execute them, you should Imprison them and Execute them, to prevent a no voting period due to The Fool's passive.
- Using Imprison on a target also prevents that target from being visited at night. You can use Imprison defensively on allies in this way.
Lore: Unknown[]
“Ha, no one can touch me. I am the King’s next of kin - I am royalty, for I am the King’s chalice.”
Night Room: Dungeon[]
The Prince's jail cell has a rat in it, named Squeaks, generally liked by the Throne of Lies community.
May, 2016