Objective: Defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do you harm.
Class Summary[]
Converted Class: The Duchess/The Seeker
The Princess is a Royal Investigative class that belongs to the Blue Dragon faction with the objective to defeat the Unseen or Cult, and any neutrals that seek to do them harm.
This class can find accurate guesses at people's class types using Flirt. She can use Will O' Wisp to find out if her target attacked that night, but will only detect attacks that are considered visiting.
As a Royal, you can step forward to become the next King upon his death, and expect to receive double votes for votes towards you.
Investigative Abilities[]
Icon |
Ability |
Type |
Uses |
Description |
Royal Blood | Passive | Special | During elections for a new King, votes for you count twice.
| |
Flirt | Night | ∞ | Limit a player's class type down to 2 options | |
Will O' Wisp | Night | 2 | Discover if target player attacks anyone tonight.
- When using Flirt, one of three possible sets of investigative results will appear:
- Killer / Offensive
- Special / Investigative
- Support / Social
- You can look up the various types in the in-game guide if you're unsure which type a certain class belongs to. It is important to note that framed targets that are Support/Social or Special/Investigative (the Scorned /The Aristocrat can frame their targets, The Apostle/The Illusionist can use Mind Warp on you, and the Fool can frame himself) will show up as Killer / Offensive, and framed Killer/Offensives will show up as Special/Investigative. When in doubt, you can always check the target again the following night.
- Make sure to record all data you get from using Flirt in your logbook to later help narrow down claims that evil players make.
- It may seem like a good idea to announce that you found someone as Special/Investigative while The Mastermind/The Cult Leader is still alive, but they could be a fellow Blue Dragon such as The Sheriff or The Observer.
- If someone is claiming to be a class that isn't the same type as its Unseen counterpart (e.g. The Knight/The Enforcer) you can see if they have been converted via flirt.
- If the class type is contradictory to their claim, you possibly have found an evil.
- Killer/Offensive isn't always evil. A large majority of Killer/Offensive results are in fact BD when looked at statistically, including The Prince, The Butler, The Drunk, as well as The Knight and The Hunter. It is a good idea to whisper the King with your Flirt results and get them to claim publicly to see if it matches your Flirt
- If you suspect someone is a Killer, you can use Will 'O Wisp to find out for sure if they attacked someone at night. Be careful though, as this ability can be framed by The Fool, and will always return an attack if The Hunter uses a Hunters Mark ability.
- The Princess is often claimed by evildoers, especially the Mastermind, because of the relative ease to fake the logs. A real Princess can prove herself by being active in court and not flirting people who have already claimed their class, If you have found nothing new, or found no Cult/Unseen members/The Neutral Killer expect to be killed!
Lore: Bravest In The Land[]
The Royal Caravan trotted along the dusty streets near the southern edge of the castle wall with Sir Epsilon, the leader of the King’s Guard, at the head. His polished armor shone bright in the sun and his ceremonial crest featured bright blue, red and green flowers, each representing a victorious battle.
His white horse was unsullied by the clouds of dust and he kept his head tall as his braided mane flowed down the right side of the stallions’ neck.
The local kids gathered around to get a glimpse of the brave Knights whose names they learned in school. The armored warriors of the realm reached down from the great heights of their mount to touch the children upon their head as they strolled past.
Little Guinevere ran out between her friends and darted into the street for a closer look. Sir Epsilon quickly halted the procession. The handsomest man in the land removed his helmet and reached down for the young, auburn-haired girl’s hand.
Through the window of the main carriage, the Princess watched. Sir Epsilon gently ushered the little girl away and the Princess cast a flirtatious smile towards her Knight.
Young Guinevere was awestruck by the size of the horses and the armored Knights until she lost sight of them in the cloud of dust. She caught just a glimpse of the Princess’ smirk before Edward, Guinevere’s older brother, grabbed her by the shoulder and whisked her away.
She ran the rest of the way home, flew up the stairs and out the window onto the roof. She sat in a familiar spot and stared out above the castle walls.
The Unseen Enforcer stalked from tree to tree, using the noise of the caravan as cover. The enormous armor hardly fit behind the largest elm, but as if by magic, the Enforcer stayed in the shadows.
Sir Epsilon noticed a fallen-tree ahead in the road and called on the party to stop well before it.
“On your guard.”
Epsilon drew on Gyflym, his legendary longsword, and called on his Lieutenant, Sir Andres, to examine the path ahead.
The blonde-haired warrior walked cautiously towards the tree and with a quick glance could tell it had been sawn. The Unseen Enforcer leapt from the hiding spot behind Andres and fired a long spear. The glancing blow injured the brave Knight and threw him to the ground alongside the fallen tree.
The Enforcer turned attention towards the Royal Caravan. Sir Epsilon’s two Captains charged with their swords drawn. The Enforcer artfully dodged their attacks and with seemingly unnatural quickness, parried Sir Drake’s thrust and wounded the great champion.
Sir Babish saw an opening and swung his sword upon the blackened armor of the hulking Enforcer. His forged-steel blade shattered against it. Still in shock, Sir Babish was taken-upon by the frightful warrior, who began beating him with his hands.
With one quick look towards his Princess, Sir Epsilon left her side to join the fray. He knocked the Enforcer off of Babish with one great kick and leveled Gyflym at the blackened heart of his old friend.
“There is no armor that can stand against this cold steel when it is held by the bravest in the land. Your black magic only serves to further tarnish your reputation.”
“You are not as powerful as you think,” croaked the Enforcer, formerly known as Doamnă. “The bravery of those inside Castle Adiart wanes. The only thing we need now is a Royal sacrifice.”
They angrily clashed swords. The thunderous sounds echoed through the land. Epsilon marveled at the power of his enemy. Each blow from the mighty sword came crashing down like a thousand waves along the shore.
Sir Epsilon attempted to evade one of the Enforcer’s thrusts but was snagged by the roots at his feet. Doamnă’s first killing strike was barely evaded and Epsilon scurried along the ground with his sword behind in the dust.
“Make peace with your Gods,” said the Enforcer, “For this is the last time you will speak to them.”
The Enforcer lifted the blade for a final killing blow. The cold steel ran through the chest and split the blackened armor at its center. The Enforcer’s blood dripped slowly onto Sir Epsilon until the Princess removed Gyflym with a solid thrust and a boot to the back.
“Are you Ok, my love?” asked the Princess as she rushed to her fallen Knight. She removed his helmet, wiped the sweat from his brow and gave him a passionate kiss.
As the sun faded behind the castle walls, Guinevere heard her mother call for supper. She opened her eyes, gave one last look at the Emerald Forest and scurried back through the window.
--Loremaster i42-Thunder
Night Room: Princess' Room[]

May, 2016