Objective: Kill all members of the main factions.
Class Summary[]
Converted Class: Immune to Convert
The Sorcerer is a Unique Killer class that belongs to the Neutral faction. Their objective is to kill all members of the main factions in order to win.
The Sorcerer has the ability to kill players without having to visit them. They can set magical Walking Bombs on players during the day and detonate them at night. These bombs bypass death immunity. They also have the option of attacking players at night with Magic Missile.
Note: Other Neutral classes won't necessarily assist you, as their objectives are their own.
Killer Abilities[]
Icon | Ability | Type | Uses | Description |
Perception | Passive | ∞ | You will not attack targets that are death immune or guarded by the Knight. | |
Mage Armor | Passive | ∞ | Immune to death (at night) and bleeding. | |
Walking Bomb | Day | ∞ | Cast a deadly spell on target player that you can later detonate. Can have multiple Walking Bombs active. Usable Day 1.
| |
Escape Fate | Day | 1 | Escape an accusation of treason with a pardon. | |
Magic Missile | Night | ∞ | Attack target player by firing a Magic Missile. | |
Detonate | Night | ∞ | Kills all players with an active Walking Bomb. Bypasses death immunity. |

The Walking Bomb symbol.
- Your Perception passive will tell you "You felt something off about attacking [Target], so you didn't attack them." if they meet the criteria of the passive.
- Place Walking Bombs on targets that do not pose a direct threat to you, but are vital in some way or are active in court such as Sheriffs, Paladins, and Court Wizards. Any investigatives that can catch you such as Maids and Princesses if you claim a non Killer/Offensive class should be killed at night.
- Additionally since you are redirect immune when you Detonate you don't have to worry about Drunks or Court Wizards, consider placing bombs on them since you can kill them without any hassle
- Consider placing a Walking Bomb on possible King candidates such as classes with Royal Blood or The Mystic. This way, you can finish them off later with a Detonate without worrying about them stopping your Magic Missiles with death immunity.
- Similarly, whenever possible, you want to ensure that one of your Walking Bomb targets becomes King. Place a Walking Bomb on anyone you think is likely to end up as The King. Vote for them, and argue for them to take the Crown
- During the night early in the game, use Magic Missile on Blue Dragon healers such as the Physician so that your bombs do not get healed or delayed, or on Investigative classes that can find you early on such as Maid, Princess, or Observer. Mid-game, just before you Detonate, kill members of the evil team so that after you detonate, the Cult/Unseen do not gain the majority and kill you! Also remember to eliminate classes such as Butler or Prince that can occupy you before your critical Detonate.
- Consider either detonating first around Night 3/4, or saving your detonate till the end-game. If you choose to detonate multiple times, place Walking Bombs on people active in Court or powerful Blue Dragon classes such as the Sheriff/Paladin. If you are saving your detonate till the end-game, place Walking Bombs on classes likely to survive until the end-game, such as the Mystic or Hunter
- Get neutrals on your side. This is particularly important for Sorcerer as otherwise they would need to find a way to get the King killed by the end-game. Help the Scorned/Inquisitor kill their targets.
Night Rooms[]
New Room (After Patch 2.0)
Old Room (Before Patch 2.0)

Lore: The Sorcerer's Search[]
A mysterious woman has been found at the crime scene of multiple killings, our scouts are trying to catch her now...
November, 2017